Mason City (641) 423-0064

St. Ansgar (641) 736-4302

Mason City Location

How can we help you today?

We take pride in making sure your experience at Burgmeier Dentistry is calm and relaxing. From the minute you walk in the door, your comfort and individual healthcare will be our highest priority.

Looking forward to meeting you

During your first visit to Burgmeier Dentistry we will get to know you in order to fully understand your goals in relation to your dental health and dental care.

We Listen!

Contact Details:

Burgmeier Dentistry

2800 4th Street SW, Suite 1

Mason City, IA 50401

Office Hours

Monday -Thurday 7-6pm

Friday 7-1pm

Phone:  (641) 423-0064

Fax:  (641) 421-7544
